42 Sample Prospectuses for Research Article & Applied Project (Sex Ed Theme)
Madison Roberge
Sex & Meditation- really Madison?! YES, my research article will be about sex education and my applied project will be a mental wellness promotion program for children around self-talk, mediation, yoga, and empowerment. Completely different topics, but that is the spectrum of my Health Advocacy program- studies far and wide about all things health.
The Ins and Outs of Sex Education
Hooking up, nookie, making love, doing the deed, bumping uglies, knocking boots, horizontal tango, baby making, getting lucky…. SEX. We are talking about good ole fashion intercourse. Call it what you will, we are talking about sex. Specifically, sex education. Oh, the stigma about talking about sex with kids. We all sat through the dreaded middle school and high school health classes where there were giggles, eye rolls, and avoided eye contact with the teacher when sex was the topic. Not just the act of intercourse, but STD’s, STI’s, pregnancy, anatomy of reproductive organs and relationships. Many have grown up with sex education being taught in a daunting, stigmatized, abstinence only framework. Are we still teaching the correct materials? What age groups are we most focused on educating? Emphasis on abstinence or safe sex? I will be researching how far sex education has come and where it is headed.
I feel it is important to write an article about sex education; past, present, and future, because the idea what sex and sex education mean is continuously evolving. I want to know if the pedagogy of sex education is adequate in the classroom and what more we can do as a society and in the health field to break down the stigma about the birds and bees. My goal is to learn how sex education became such a hushed topic in school and in homes. I want to establish an understanding for myself and readers as to what best practices are when it comes to helping teens understand the ins and outs of intercourse.
I am a teen mother. I am 22 now, but that will always be a way I identify myself. I personally do not feel my sex education experience was beneficial or informative and I felt it lacked connectivity and impact. Because of my personal experience and my educational path that has led to an interest in reproductive health, this research article will bring my learning full circle to present the history and future of sex education in an informative way to evoke and promote change on how we teach generations to come. I know my single article will not do such a thing, but it is a start. It is a start for my readers and a start for myself to use research to formulate a plan for the future that includes relevant materials and resources for sex education courses.
Timeline for completing the research article:
10/8- Finalize list concepts, ideas, key points. Start gathering resources.
10/15- Gather all resources. Start outline of how the article will flow
10/22- Review resources and evaluate relevancy for my article. Have notes organized from each resource. Finalize outline
10/29- Compose section one and two of article. Edit.
11/5- Compose section three. Edit. Gather more resources if needed.
11/12- Compose section four. Edit.
11/19- Write introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Review flow of article to make sure parts are where they should be.
11/26- Gather, review, and insert appropriate hyperlinks, images, and videos.
12/3- Have peers review article, visit the writing center. Fill in any gaps if needed.
12/10- Finalize article. Publish paper to my ePort.
Wellness Promotion Project
Program title to be determined!
I will be creating and implementing a wellness promotion program for youth ages 4-6 directed around promoting the importance of self-love and mental wellness. This might sound hippy-dippy, but people are never too young to start practices that protect the wellness of our minds. There are personal and social gains to be made from teaching kids how to value their mental health, ability to rationalize, gain control of their thoughts, and combat stressors. Enhancing children’s, the ability to understand (possibly control) thoughts and feelings will promote personal and social confidence and reassurance. After I create an evidenced based program through a process I learned in my health promotion, planning, and evaluation course, I will implement the program with children in my community. Promoting a sense of self confidence in a child’s ability to understand their thoughts and feelings is a beneficial way to aid children in growing up happy and healthy.

The creation of this program feels so important to me because more than ever we are hearing about the importance of mental health. The topics are mainly geared towards adults or children in need. What if we promote mental wellness to all instead of just those in need of learning how to enhance or control it? Prevention is the best medicine. Through positive self-talk, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, vocalization of strengths and goals, and a positive social
environment, this program is something that could implemented in schools to promote a positive learning environment for all inside and outside of the classroom.I will be evaluating the children’s response to activities and feelings as well as doing short surveys with them that documents their view of themselves, but I am not looking for solid data that confirms a correlation between yoga and increased mental health awareness. Building children’s skills to understand how beautiful their mind is, is a step towards enhancing and maintaining mental wellness, focus and confidence in the classroom and at home.
I will have my complete wellness promotion program to share on my ePort and apply a creative commons license to. Throughout the implementation of the program I will document a reflection on the program sessions on my ePort. With permission from parents and guardians I will be taking photos and possibly videos of what I will be doing with the children to share on my ePort. The photos and videos will be shared throughout my session logs as well as the final evaluation piece of how the program went and where it can improve. I will periodically be sharing the tools I use for implementing the program such as resources for where I got my lesson plans for things such as child’s yoga and breathing techniques. This program is something I feel should be continued at home so there will be a few materials that I create to share the child’s learning from the classroom and how to use it at home.
Applied Project Timeline:
10/8- Formulate concise explanation of the program and email the IRB to approve my ability to work with children.
10/15- Create list of a few places I could perform the program. Reach out to schools. Start program outline and gather research.
10/22- Have an overview available for the parents/guardians to read and agree to participation. Secure a schedule for where my program will take place. Have half of the program completed.
10/29- Complete the program. Edit for clarity. Share the program to my ePort. Share the completed program with the teacher of the class where the program will be taking place.
11/5- First week of program. Reflection post on first week of program implantation.
11/12- Second week of program. Second reflection post.
11/19- Third week of program. Third reflection post.
11/26- Fourth week of program. Fourth reflection post.
12/3- Fifth week of program. Fifth reflection post.
12/10- Publish final deliverable of program evaluation and recap.