Book Title: Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice

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Book Description: Aesthetic Theory and Practice offers fresh perspectives on canonical and emerging topics in aesthetics, and also brings attention to a number of culturally sensitive topics that are customarily silenced in introductions to philosophical aesthetics. The papers are heterogeneous in terms of length and degrees of difficulty, inviting the reader into the study of contemporary aesthetics, which spans a lifetime.
Cover art by Heather Salazar; cover design by Jonathan Lashley.
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Book Description
Aesthetic Theory and Practice offers fresh perspectives on canonical and emerging topics in aesthetics, and also brings attention to a number of culturally sensitive topics that are customarily silenced in introductions to philosophical aesthetics. The papers are heterogeneous in terms of length and degrees of difficulty, inviting the reader into the study of contemporary aesthetics, which spans a lifetime.
This collection is co-created thanks to contributions from the Americas, Japan and China, Australia and Austria, England and France, Italy, Germany and Ethiopia. It is not surprising, therefore, that all eleven chapters adopt active critical and often multicultural perspectives, so as to evaluate aesthetics in relation to the tradition, its cultural potential, and the messy, geopolitical circumstances of the 21st century.
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Introduction to Philosophy: Aesthetic Theory and Practice Copyright © 2021 by Yuriko Saito; Ruth Sonderegger; Ines Kleesattel; Elizabeth Burns Coleman; Elizabeth Scarbrough; Matteo Ravasio; Xiao Ouyang; Richard Hudson-Miles; Andrew Broadey; Pierre Fasula; Alexander Westenberg; Matthew Sharpe; Valery Vino (Book Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.