Book Title: Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind

Authors: Eran Asoulin; Paul Richard Blum; Tony Cheng; Daniel Haas; Jason Newman; Henry Shevlin; Elly Vintiadis; Heather Salazar (Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)

Book Description: Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind surveys the central themes in philosophy of mind and places them in a historical and contemporary context intended to engage first-time readers in the field. It focuses on debates about the status and character of the mind and its seemingly subjective nature in an apparently more objective world.

Cover art by Heather Salazar; cover design by Jonathan Lashley.

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Book Information

Book Description

Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind (edited by Heather Salazar) surveys the central themes in philosophy of mind and places them in a historical and contemporary context intended to engage first-time readers in the field. It focuses on debates about the status and character of the mind and its seemingly subjective nature in an apparently more objective world.

Written by experts and emerging researchers in their subject areas, each chapter brings clarity to complex material and involves the reader through a wealth of examples. Many chapters include applications of the concepts to film and literature that will stimulate readers to firmly grasp the significance of the philosophy of mind. Subjects covered are how the mind fits into the material world and how to analyze its properties. In that vein, substance dualism, materialism, behaviorism, functionalism, and property dualism are all explored.

In addition, it includes insightful contributions on how to explain seemingly subjective feelings, the mystery of consciousness, conceptual understanding of the world outside of the mind, and free will. The book is designed to be used alone or alongside a reader of historical and contemporary original sources.

If you are adopting or adapting this book for a course, please let us know on our adoption form for the Introduction to Philosophy open textbook series.

Cover art by Heather Salazer; cover design by Jonathan Lashley.


Eran Asoulin; Paul Richard Blum; Tony Cheng; Daniel Haas; Jason Newman; Henry Shevlin; Elly Vintiadis; Heather Salazar (Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind Copyright © 2019 by Eran Asoulin; Paul Richard Blum; Tony Cheng; Daniel Haas; Jason Newman; Henry Shevlin; Elly Vintiadis; Heather Salazar (Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.




Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind
Eran Asoulin; Paul Richard Blum; Tony Cheng; Daniel Haas; Jason Newman; Henry Shevlin; Elly Vintiadis; Heather Salazar (Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor)
Heather Salazar and Christina Hendricks
Adriano Palma
Heather Salazar (Cover artist) and Jonathan Lashley (Cover designer)
Colleen Cressman and Nate Angell

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Mind Copyright © 2019 by Eran Asoulin; Paul Richard Blum; Tony Cheng; Daniel Haas; Jason Newman; Henry Shevlin; Elly Vintiadis; Heather Salazar (Editor); and Christina Hendricks (Series Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Print ISBN: 978-1-989014-12-7

Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Philosophy of mind
Rebus Community
Publication Date
September 10, 2019
Ebook ISBN
Print ISBN