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Maha Bali; Catherine Cronin; Laura Czerniewicz; Robin DeRosa; and Rajiv S. Jhangiani
1. Inequitable Power Dynamics of Global Knowledge Production and Exchange Must be Confronted Head On
Laura Czerniewicz
2. From "Open" to Justice
Audrey Watters
3. The Fallacy of “Open”
sava saheli singh
4. A Critical Take on OER Practices: Interrogating Commercialization, Colonialism, and Content
Sarah Hare
5. Decolonising the Collection, Analyses and Use of Student Data: A Tentative Exploration/Proposal
Paul Prinsloo
6. Reflections on Generosity of Spirit: Barriers to Working in the Open
Samantha Streamer Veneruso
7. Open Pedagogy: A Response to David Wiley
Suzan Koseoglu
8. Open Education in Palestine: A Tool for Liberation
Javiera Atenas
9. Open Hearts, Open Minds, Crossed Purposes
Simon Ensor
10. Antigonish 2.0: A Way for Higher Ed to Help Save the Web
Bonnie Stewart
11. What is DigCiz and Why I am Not Marina Abramovic: Thoughts on Theory and Practice
Autumm Caines
12. Locks on our Bridges: Critical and Generative Lenses on Open Education
Amy M. Collier
13. Reclaiming Disruption
Karen Cangialosi
14. Pedagogy and the Logic of Platforms
Chris Gilliard
15. Queering Open Pedagogy
Jesse Stommel
16. Student Spotlight: Matthew Moore, The Open Anthology of Earlier American Literature, 2nd edition
Matthew Moore
17. Open Education, Open Questions
Catherine Cronin
18. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Open Research and Education
Tara Robertson
19. OER and the Language Problem (Part 2): The Status and Function Rationale
Tannis Morgan
20. Towards Openness Provocation for #oeb17: How to Create a Non-inclusive Learning Environment
Sherri Spelic
21. Queer Histories, Videotape, and the Ethics of Reuse
Rachel Jurinich Mattson
22. Breaking Open: Ethics, Epistemology, Equity, and Power
Maha Bali; Taskeen Adam; Catherine Cronin; Christian Friedrich; Sukaina Walji; and Christina Hendricks
23. OER, CARE, Stewardship, and the Commons
Jim Luke
24. OER, Equity, and Implicit Creative Redlining
Rajiv S. Jhangiani
25. Open as in Dangerous
Chris Bourg
26. When Social Inclusion Doesn’t Go Far Enough: Concerns for the Future of the OER Movement in the Global South
Cheryl Hodgkinson-Williams
27. What Open Education Taught Me
Jaime Marsh
28. The Soul of Liberty: Openness, Equality and Co-creation
Lorna M. Campbell
29. Open as a Set of Values, Not a Destination
Billy Meinke-Lau
30. The Future of the Public Mission of Universities
Robin DeRosa
31. The Tyranny of “Clear” Thinking
Jess Mitchell
32. Open Praxis: Three Perspectives, One Vision
Caroline Kuhn H.; Taskeen Adam; and Judith Pete
33. Holding the Line on Open in an Evolving Courseware Landscape
Nicole Allen
34. Exploring Origins as a Decolonizing Practice
Adele Vrana and Siko Bouterse
35. Openness in Whose Interest?
Maha Bali
36. Logic and Rhetoric: The Problem with Digital Literacy
Naomi Barnes
37. Educational Content, Openness and Surveillance in the Digital Ecology
Tel Amiel
38. A Reflection on Open: An Open Reflection
Tutaleni I. Asino
Accessibility Assessment
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Open at the Margins Copyright © 2020 by Maha Bali, Catherine Cronin, Laura Czerniewicz, Robin DeRosa, and Rajiv Jhangiani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.