
Unit 3: College Level Critical Thinking and Reading

Learning Objectives

After you have completed this unit you should be able to:

  • Describe how to use Reading Apprenticeship annotation strategies
  • Explain how to get the most out of your textbooks by learning how to skim, and how to find out all of the resources your textbooks offer
  • Explain how to read closely for literature classes and other classes where literature is included with the readings
  • Discuss how to get the most out of your math and science materials and help with studying for tests in these subjects

Licenses and Attributions:

CC licensed content, previously shared:

How to Learn Like a Pro! Authored by Phyllis Nissila.  Located at: https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/collegereading/part/unit-3-factopinion-and-personal-bias/  License: CC-BY Attribution.